Jerusalem Mite
The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem - a heritage built on God Family Friendship Faith Hope Loyalty Charity Community

2024-25 Jerusalem Mite Campaign
The needs of Christians in the region are urgent. American Templars are there to help, working to preserve Christianityʼs presence in the place of its birth. GPUSAʼs Jerusalem Mite program focuses on risks facing Christians in an effort to restore hope and encourage families to rebuild their lives in the Holy Land and the Middle East.
The Jerusalem Mite, with money raised from American Knights, Dames and friends, directs funds to a dozen known, trusted, church-related charitable organizations, based primarily in the Holy Land. These organizations provide essential programs for healthcare, housing, academic education, and vocational training, and they are making a difference for Christian families. In the wake of extremistsʼ recent campaigns to purge the region of Christians, several of our recipient organizations are also providing food, clothing, shelter, and medical care to tens of thousands of Christian refugees who have fled for their lives, especially in northern Iraq. GPUSA is in regular contact with our charitable recipients and visits them every year.
While the Orderʼs primary mission is to support Christians at risk in the Middle East, we also seek opportunities to build relationships with the regionʼs other two major Abrahamic faiths – Judaism and Islam – and to maintain free access for all faiths to the local holy sites of each.
Templars are changing lives in the Holy Land and beyond. With your support, we can do much more. Our brothers and sisters in the Middle East are counting on us
Annual giving by Knights, Dames and friends is making a difference in the lives of our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East through the organizations that we fund.
SMOTJ Charitable Works – Current Allocations
For an extended description of our charitable works please take the time to read our “Current Allocations“ page dedicated to this subject.